A busy month of getting ready for Baby Jacob. We made a couple of
trips to Pensacola
and Mobile (with overnight stays in Gulf Shores) looking for
nursery furnuture and
creating our baby registry at Babies 'R Us. We also started
to look around
for a company to install a swimming pool. |
January 22nd to 26th. Steve went TDY to Point Mugu in Ventura, California on a
business trip. |
February 17th. Peggy's baby shower, hosted by her cousin
Vicki, was held on
Saturday the 17th at Jamie's Restaurant in Pensacola. Unfortunately
the blizzard
that hit the northeast prevented Steve's sister Janet and her girls
from making it,
but Vicki and her daughter Kaelyn made it in from Texas and Peggy's
friends Mindy
(from Chicago) and Maggi (from Tallahassee) were able to join other
friends and
family for the big event.
Click here to view photos from the big event. |
March 11th. Our first anniversary! Can you believe
it's been a whole year since our wedding? We sure did a lot during that year,
including moving and getting pregnant. We wanted to go away for the weekend,
but we (and Peggy's doctor) thought that wasn't a good idea (being too far away
from home), so we went out for a nice dinner, went to church at Trinity UMC (the
site of our ceremony), and had a pretty relaxing weekend. We even thawed and
ate the top layer of our cake -- it was really good! Revisit our wedding weekend
by selecting "Our Wedding" from the "WHAT" menu above. |
March 30th. Georgie Nance, Peggy's co-worker at L-3 Crestview
Aerospace, threw a baby shower for Peggy from the folks at work. |
April 4th. Tonight around 9:30pm we went to Fort Walton Beach
Medical Center for Peggy to be induced. Peggy's doctor felt she was ready,
so there was no reason to wait another week. Let's get ready to welcome baby
Jacob! |
April 5th. Today we welcomed our son, Jacob Alexander Milz
into our family. He was born via c-section at 6:48pm CDT. He was 7 pounds,
15 ounces and measured 20 inches. By the way, Jacob was born on Gramma Joan
and Grandpa Bill's anniversary! |
April 6th. Mandalay Pools began work on our inground pool.
Today they started digging a huge hole in our backyard! |
April 8th. On Easter Sunday we brought our little Jacob home
from ths hospital Waiting for him were Gramma Joan and Grandpa Bill plus Uncle
Seth and great Aunt Sally. Of course Riley was also anxiously awaiting his
little brother. |
April 9th. Jacob's first pediatrician appointment with Dr.
Krist at White-Wilson Medical Center. Today was also Jacob's first stroller
ride when he went with Mom, Dad and Riley for a walk around the neighborhood. |
April 11th. Jacob's first bath! He wasn't too pleased
with the bathing experience, but it wasn't all that bad... |
April 13th. Today they "shot the shell" for our pool.
That is, the actual pool was formed today using blown-in concrete (gunite).
It's taking shape! |
May 1st. The pool was plastered today and filled with water.
We'll be swimming soon! |
May 10th. Rodrigo and his crew finished putting in the brick
pavers for our patio today. It looks great! |
May 13th. Peggy's first Mother's Day! Her Mom and Dad
and Aunt Sally came over for the day. Additionally, today was the inaugural
swim in our pool. Steve went in but Peggy didn't -- she was feeling a bit
under the weather. |
May 31st. Tri-State Industries started the screen enclosure
for our swimming pool and patio today. This is the last part of our pool addition. |
June 7th. Our pool is finished! Tri-State Industries
finished our screen enclosure so the pool area is complete. Yeah! The
water is up to the mid 80's too, which makes it nice for swimming. |
June 8th. Jacob's two-month doctor appointment and his first
round of shots. According to Dr. Krist, Jake's doing perfectly. He's
in the 50th percentile for weight (13lb 8oz) and 75th percentile for height (23½
inches). Unfortunately Jake ended up getting poked 5 times instead of 4 due
to a needle malfunction, but he took his shots pretty well. There was a bit
of screaming and crying (from Jake and Mom), but he didn't have any adverse effects
and was back to his normal self later that day. |
June 14th - 19th. Steve's family from PA came for a visit
and to meet Jacob for the first time. The whole clan was able to come -- Grandma
and Pop Pop Milz, Aunt Janet and Uncle David with cousins Rachel and Sarah, Great
Uncle Frank, and Great-Grandma Mimi Krieg. We all had a great time! |
June 17th. Jacob was baptised today by Reverend John Bonner
at Trinity UMC. His godparents are Uncle Seth Bowling and Aunt Janet Hoover.
Afterwards, Mom and Dad hosted a baptism party for family and a few friends at the
house. Today was also Steve's first Father's Day! |
June 27th. Jake's first cold :-( It wasn't too bad
-- just some coughing and congestion. Dr Krist said nothing to worry about,
just baby's first cold! |
July 10th and 11th. Steve had to go TDY to Crystal City (DC).
This was Peggy and Jake's first "solo". Of course, everything went just fine. |
July 14th. Peggy's uncle Steve (her Mom's brother) and aunt
Vicky, along with their three kids, came to visit from South Carolina. They
were visiting her folks in Gulf Shores for a few days and came over to visit us
for the day. Peggy hadn't seen them
in a long time, and of course Steve never met anyone but Vicky (at the wedding).
A short but nice visit. |
July 20th. Oh no... a double ear infection for Jake.
Actually he wasn't too bad -- a little fussy, a bit feverish, and more sleepy than
normal. |
July 26th to Aug 1st. We went to visit Steve's family in
northeast Pennsylvania for 6½ days. During our visit Steve and his dad took
their annual trip to Indianapolis for the Brickyard 400. Peggy and Jacob stayed
in PA to spend time with Grandma Mary Ann. They also were able to attend our
niece Rachel's baptism at the First Assembly of God. We also got a chance
to catch up with Steve's high school friend Jay. |
July 28th and 29th. Steve and his dad took their annual trip
to Indianapolis for the Brickyard 400 NASCAR race. This is their 14th consecutive
year going to Indy. Unfortunately their driver, Dale Earnhardt Jr, blew his
engine 20 laps or so from the end of the race. It was better than Peggy's
driver, Ryan Newman, who hit the wall about 20 laps into the race. Tony Stewart
ended up winning. |
Aug 1st to Aug 7th. After we left PA we spent 5½ days in
Chicago visiting a host of friends. Like we typically do, we stayed with our
friends the Causa's in Geneva. On Thursday, Peggy did a bit of work and Steve
and Jacob took a road-trip to Wisconsin before meeting Steve and Lois Stack in Greektown
for dinner. On Friday we hung out for a bit before going over to the Benson's
in Des Plaines for a cookout. On Saturday went to the Brookfield Zoo with
the Causas during the day and to dinner in Geneva with Mike and Mindy. On
Sunday we did a bit of shopping and went to visit Peggy's old neighbors, the Campiones,
in Blue Island. Monday was supposed to be travel day, so we stopped by Peggy's
old client Seamcraft to show off Jacob and also met Peggy's friend Nancy in the
city for some Chicago-style pizza before heading to the airport. Unfortunately
Mother Nature didn't cooperate with our return flight and we decided to "get stuck"
overnight in Chicago versus Atlanta. So we stayed in a hotel close to O'Hare
and hopped a 6:00am flight Tuesday morning. It was a hectic ending to a long
trip, but it didn't ruin an otherwise wonderful time in the Windy City. |
August 8th. Jacob's four-month doctor appointment and his
second round of shots. Jake's in the 90th percentile for weight (16lb 10oz)
and 75th percentile for height (25¾ inches). Once again, he took his shots
like a man. There was a bit of crying, but only for a minute or two.
All was well by the time he got home, where Grandma Joan was waiting to take care
of him the rest of the day. |
August 10th to 13th. Liz and Kate Ruppert came from Tampa
to visit us for a long weekend. |
August 13th. A one-day TDY for Steve -- to Atlanta
early in the morning and back that evening. |
August 18th. Peggy's birthday! |
August 30th to 31st. Steve had to go TDY to Lockheed-Martin
in Fort Worth, TX for some meetings. |
September 11th thru 15th. Peggy went to Phoenix and to Puerto
Penasco, Mexico to throw a bachelorette party for her best friend Kris, who's getting
married in November. This was dad's first long-term "solo" with Jake and everything
went just fine. |
September 28th thru October 1st. Another trip to Pennsylvania.
We went to PA under the guise of attending Steve's 20-year high school reunion,
which we did on Saturday night. But while we were there we also surprised
his grandmother on her 86th birthday and sprung a surprise joint 60th birthday dinner
for his mom and dad too! Quite an eventful weekend. |
October 3rd. Jacob's six-month doctor appointment and his
third round of shots. He weighed in at 19 pounds, 11 ounces this time, so
he's definitely not missing any meals! Speaking of which, he now gets to move
onto having any of the "stage 1" foods, which means fruits and green vegetables
in addition to the yellow veges. Yum! |
October 25th to 28th. A long-weekend visit to Pennsylvania.
Unfortunately, Jake developed a stomach virus on the trip. A couple of trips
to the pediatric urgent care clinic and a lot of clothing changes (for both Jake
as well as mom and dad!) were the story of the weekend. Fortunately he wasn't
too bad and we were able to get him to keep down Pedialyte (for the most part). |
October 31st. Jacob's first Halloween! No trick-or-treating
for the little guy just yet. We stayed home and passed out candy. |
November 1st to 5th. Peggy and Steve went to Phoenix for
Peggy's best friend Kris' wedding. It was our first trip without Jacob, but
that was a good thing because we were really busy! On Friday, Peggy threw
Kris a bridal shower. On Saturday, Peggy was running around all morning.
The ceremony and reception were Saturday afternoon and evening. On Sunday
we slept in, then went to Kris and Ken's for brunch and to Kris' parents later in
the day for dinner. We flew back on the red-eye, getting back into Pensacola
early Monday morning. |
November 4th. Steve's birthday! |
November 5th to 9th. When we returned from Phoenix, Peggy
didn't have any down-time as she had to un-pack and re-pack right away. Monday
afternoon, she, her mom Joan and Jake left for Longboat Key (Sarasota) where Peggy
attended the L-3 Communications ethics conference. Grandma took care of Jake
all week while Peggy attended the conference events and activities. |
November 9th to 12th. Steve, Peggy's dad Bill and Riley went
down to Sarasota to meet up with the rest of the gang for the long Veteran's Day
weekend. While there we went to the Ringling circus museum, art museum, and
the Ringlings' mansion. We also bummed around town, driving up and down the
Longboat Key coast to see the sights. Peggy's friend Liz and her daughter
Kate (our new goddaughter!) live close by and came to see us, spending most of Saturday
hanging out with us. |
December 12th to 17th. Steve's
mom and dad came to visit us after their trip to Walt
Disney World. What was supposed to be a nice,
relaxing visit took a very sad turn when Steve's mom,
Mary Ann, lost her battle with cancer and passed away at
Fort Walton Beach Medical Center on the 16th. |
December 19th to 24th. We
traveled to PA on Wednesday the 17th to help make
arrangements for Mom's funeral, which was the 22nd.
Needless to say it was a very sad visit. We made
the best of holding an early Christmas amongst the
Milz/Krieg/Hoover clan before we left. Actually
our visit was extended by a day as our flight home on
the 23rd was cancelled. We managed to get an early
flight on the 24th to make it home for Christmas.
Mary Ann wanted Jake to spend his first Christmas in his
own home, and we managed to make that happen. |
Christmas 2008. We made it home
from PA in time to make Christmas Eve church service at
Trinity. We had a wonderful first Christmas with
our son. Of course he was quite spoiled! |