January. We went to PA over the MLK holiday weekend to help Steve's dad
a lot of things. What a busy weekend -- from running around on errands to
a lot of cleanout at the house. While were in PA, we got together with
Aunt Millie (Jim's sister) and Uncle John and Steve's two cousins -- Missy
Becky -- and their families. We had a great time! |
February. We were actually home most of the month of February
believe it or not.
We did visit Peggy's folks in Gulf Shores for a weekend.
That was only the second
time Jake's been to gramma and grandpa's house, so the
visit was long overdue.
Steve was supposed to go TDY to DC and we were supposed
to visit Chicago, but
those trips were put off. Steve did a lot of work in the
backyard, hoping to lay sod
later in the Spring. Peggy did take a quick trip in
February - a overnighter in
Orlando for an ASQ meeting. |
March 7th thru 9th. The three of us met Steve's dad Jim in Atlanta
to celebrate
his birthday (a little early). While where we went to the Georgia
Aquarium and the
new World of Coke. We ate at the Clubhouse -- one of Peggy's
favorite restaurants in Chicago which happens to also be in Atlanta. Despite it
being really cold (it snowed on Saturday!), we had a great time. |
March. Jacob started swimming lessons at the Niceville YMCA.
It's more "water familiarization" than swimming lessons, but he did OK.
He's not a real fan of being on his back and the concept of kicking isn't coming
to him very well, but all in all, he did OK. It was nice because our
friends Moni and Carrie had their daughter Adeline (6 days younger than Jake) in
lessons too. |
March 11th. Our second wedding anniversary! |
March 12th thru 14th. Steve went to Washington DC for a business
trip. |
March 17th and 18th. Peggy went to Dallas for an ASQ meeting. |
March 19th thru 21st. Peggy's cousin Vicki, her daughter Kaelyn,
Vicki's friend Mary Carol and her son Jared came to visit for a couple days.
They had been in Orlando and stopped by to see us (ok, mainly Jake) on their way
home. |
March 22nd and 23rd. Easter weekend in Gulf Shores. |
April. April started with Jacob on "spring break" when daycare was
closed. Gramma came over to watch him for the week. |
April 4th to 8th. The Milz/Krieg/Hoover clan came to visit for a
few days. Of course, it was mostly for Jake's first birthday. |
April 5th. Jacob's first birthday! Can you believe it's been
a whole year already? There are times when it feels like it's been 10 years,
but the 12 months definitely did go by quickly. We had a nice party, despite
some heavy rain, with about 30 folks in attendance. |
April 8th. Steve took Peggy to see the musical "RENT" (her favorite
show) at Okaloosa-Walton College. Not quite Broadway-quality, but a good
show nonetheless. |
April 17th. Last day of swim lessons at the YMCA. |
April 18th to 22nd. Our spring trip to Chicago. Jake wasn't
as good of a flyer he has been in the past, but all in all he was pretty good.
Of course we had a great time, seeing a lot of Peggy's friends. Jacob also got
his first haircut while were in Chicago! |
May 17th to 25th. Vacation in San Diego! Our first family
vacation and Peggy and Steve's first real vacation since their honeymoon.
We spent a week in San Diego. We were a little concerned with Jake on the long
flights, but he did pretty good. During out visit, San Diego has unseasonable
weather -- it was real hot the first few days and cold and rainy the last few.
But we managed to do and see everything we wanted to. We visited a number of
museums in Balboa Park, the USS Midway aircraft carrier museum, the San Diego
Zoo and the Wild Animal Park (twice!). We all had a great time and would go
back in a heartbeat. Jake actually got to go into the Pacific Ocean before he's
been in the Gulf of Mexico! |
June. Steve has taken on "webmaster" duties and become a board member
for the shooting range
he goes to in Cantonment, so he now has a few more "additional duties" to take
care of. |
June. Peggy's dad Bill had hip replacement surgery at the beginning
of the month, so we went to Gulf Shores on Father's Day weekend. We left late
Saturday though because unfortunately our pastor at church, Rev John Bonner,
left for a new job and Father's Day was his last weekend with us! We certainly
wanted to be there to wish him well. |
June 15th to 19th. Peggy volunteered to teach at Vacation Bible
School at Trimity UMC, so her days were pretty busy -- drop off Jake at daycase,
go to work, pickup Jake and meet Steve to "kid swap", then spend a few hours at
church each night. All this means Steve and Jake had a lot of time together
that week! |
June 27th. Jake had minor surgery for a
hydrocele that needed to be fixed. So off we went to Sacred Heart in
Pensacola (Gramma Joan's birthday!) for outpatient surgery.
Everything went A-OK. Jake was a little "peeved" for about an hour after
surgery as the anesthesia was wearing off (and because he was hooked up to all
sorts of tubes and wires), but by that evening he was back to his normal self.
You couldn't even tell he had surgery except for the IV tube bruise on his hand
and the bandage over the scar area. |
July 3rd to 7th. Lots of visitors at the Milz house! Peggy's
cousin Vicki and her daughter Kaelyn, plus Vicki and Peggy's friend Mary Carol
and her two boys, Jared and Jacob, came to visit from Texas for the long holiday
weekend. We went to Pensacola for the 4th of July. Our friend Jody holds a
holiday party every year at his office, which is right on Pensacola Bay where
they shoot off the fireworks. Jacob LOVED the fireworks. We were a little
afraid that the bangs might scare him, but he really enjoyed them. On Saturday
the 5th, the gang's friend Maggie came from Tallahassee to join the festivities
and Peggy's mom and Aunt Sally came over from Gulf Shores to spend time with
Vicki and Kaelyn. It was quite the crowd at the Milz residence! |
July 9th and 10th. Steve went to
Washington DC for a business trip. His friend
Kevin and his family recently moved to the DC area and
Steve was able to go over their house for dinner. It
was a short visit but great to see them again! |
July 18th to 20th.
Peggy's annual Girls' Trip, this time to Houston
for a long weekend. Not sure what
all happened... what goes on Girls' Trip, stays on Girls'
Trip... |
July 21st to 25th.
Daycare was closed the last full week of July, so Gramma and
Grandpa were over to watch Jake for the week. |
July 26th to 29th. Steve's annual trip to Indy for the Brickyard 400. As usual, he met up with his Dad in Indy.
As fortune would have it, Steve also needed to go TDY to
Wright-Patterson AFB in Ohio, so he worked it to stay in the
Dayton area right after the race. He and his Dad spent the
28th in Dayton, visiting the Air Force Museum
and meeting up with Steve's friends Mike and Lisa for dinner.
Dad headed back to PA on the 29th while Steve went to
work at the base, flying back home that night (barely -- more
travel nightmares!) |
August 4th to 7th. Steve went to
California on a business trip to visit a couple Navy
bases -- Point Mugu and China Lake (which is out in the
middle of nowhere!) |
August 9th. We attended the
wedding of Steve's friend Kevin's step-daughter Angela.
It was nice to get to visit with Kevin and Laurie and
their families. |
August 18th. Peggy's birthday!!!
Uncle Seth came over to watch Jake while Mom and Dad went out to
celebrate Mom's birthday. Well, the best laid plans often go
astray. We planned to see a movie and go out for a nice dinner
at Fleming's steakhouse. About 10 minutes after leaving the
house we were rear-ended while waiting at a traffic light! No
injuries thank heavens, but some damage to the car (our 98
Honda, not the 4Runner). After waiting the the FL Highway
Patrol to come do an accident report, we missed our original
movie. We did manage to see a different flick and make our
original dinner plans. Not the best way to celebrate a birthday
August 30th to September 2nd. Labor Day came early this year and
Peggy's friend Liz and her daughter Kate came up from the Tampa
area to visit us. Of course it also looked like Hurricane
Gustav was going to visit the Louisiana/Alabama area, so Peggy's
mom, dad and brother Seth came to our place to avoid any potential storm
impact. Fortunately the storm stayed to the west, but we
definitely had a house full for the holiday weekend. |
September 5th... some sad news from Florida. We
lost our dog Riley on Friday, September 5th. At 16½
years old, Riley just wasn't doing very well anymore.
He wasn't getting around very well, was disoriented
quite a bit, and was messing in the house on a frequent
basis. We came to the tough decision that it was time
to let him go. Needless to say that was a rough and
very sad decision. |
September 22nd and 23rd. Steve
went to Fort Worth, Texas for a business trip. His
sister and her family moved to the Dallas area earlier
in the summer, so Steve was able to go visit them the
night he arrived! |
September. Big news! Jake
is going to be a big brother! We've known for a
little while, but as we did when we were pregnant with
Jake, we held off until all the tests came back OK.
Everything is looking good for Jake to have a little
sister in early March! |
September 28th to October 6th.
Steve's dad Jim came to visit us. He drove down
for PA and spend a week hanging out with us. We
had a great time and even managed to get a garage
project accomplished while he was here. We also
attended Peggy's company picnic. |
October 5th. Jake's 18 months old
today! |
October 28th and 29th. Steve and
Peggy's dad Bill went to Atlanta to Great Big Sea (a
Celtic rock band from Newfoundland) in concert.
This was the second time we saw them (at the same place
in Little Five Points). |
November 4th. Steve's birthday!!!
We went to a movie and dinner (no accident this time!) |
November 14th. Peggy and her
friend Brandi went to see the So You Think You Can
Dance show at the Pensacola Civic Center. |
November 26th to 30th. We spent Thanksgiving in Gulf Shores.
While there we did a bunch of shopping, including what is hopefully our one and
only trip to Babies R Us in Mobile getting stuff for Baby Girl Milz. We
also took Jake down to the beach to try to get some pictures for our Christmas
card, but it was WAY windy, Jake wouldn't wear the Santa hat, and the photos
didn't work out all that well. |
December 9th to 11th. Steve went to California on a business trip. |
December 20th. We went to see the ZooLights at the Gulf Breeze zoo
with the Braxton's -- Jody, Stacy, and Lily. The kids had a great time,
especially feeding the animals in the petting zoo. |
Christmas 2008. This year Christmas was at our house for all of our
families (for the most part). Steve's family from PA -- his dad Jim,
grandmother Mimi, and uncle Frank -- came for nine days, from the 22nd to the
30th. Peggy's mom and dad and her brother Seth were here for Christmas Eve
through the day after Christmas. Steve's sister Janet, brother-in-law
David, and nieces Rachel and Sarah weren't here for Christmas Day but came from
Dallas, Texas the day after and were here from the 26th to the 30th. We
all had a wonderful holiday and Jake loved having so many people to play with
and get attention from! |