Thank You's
First and foremost we would like to thank our parents --
Bill and
Joan Bowling and Jim and Mary Ann Milz -- for everything they have
done for us throughout our lives and everything they continue to do
for us. We certainly would
not be the people we are without them. |
Many thanks go out to our
wedding attendants...
Peggy's bridesmaids... Kris
Finitzer, her maid of honor and best friend from
college; Vicki Robison,
her matron of honor and cousin; Janet Hoover, her bridesmaid and Steve's sister;
Mindy Causa, her
bridesmaid and close friend from Chicago; and
Bridget Miller, her
bridesmaid and close friend from Dallas.
Steve's groomsmen... Major
Kevin Johnson, his best man and close friend from
Langley AFB;
Larry Stelck, his groomsman
and close friend from here at Eglin AFB; David Hoover,
his groomsman and brother-in-law;
David Cale Bowling, his groomsman and Peggy's
brother; and William Seth Bowling,
his groomsman and Peggy's brother.
The "junior members" of our wedding party -- our flower
girls... Rachel Hoover,
Steve's niece, and Kate Ruppert,
daughter of Peggy's friend Liz from Tampa; and our ring
bearer... Hunter Stelck,
son of Steve's friend and groomsman Larry.
It is truly an honor to have you all standing with us at our
Thanks to everyone at Trinity
United Methodist Church for making us feel welcome and for
all of their efforts in helping to make our ceremony a
blessed and special event, especially
Reverend John Bonner, wedding coordinator
Gary, and music director
Kevin Shular. |
Our grateful appreciation goes out to everyone who was part
of our wedding ceremony. Thanks to Peggy's
sister-in-law Connie Bowling
and Peggy's friend from Tampa, Liz
Ruppert for their scripture readings; Peggy's
cousin and matron of honor Vicki
Robison for being our vocalist; Bowling family
friend Chris Goeppinger
for making our unity candle; Steve's sister
Janet Hoover for making the
flower girls' hair bows; Mary
Carol Hoesel, Amy Pelzl, and
Maggi Vanos-Wilson, friends of the bride from
Houston, College Station, and Tallahassee respectively, for being our greeters
at the ceremony and reception, and special thanks to Peggy's mom
Joan for making the
flower girl baskets, ring bearer pillow, and Peggy's veil. |
We cannot express how much we
appreciate everyone who pitched in and helped us out during
the wedding weekend. First and foremost, many kudos to
the "girls trip girls" -- Mary
Carol Hoesel, Amy Pelzl,
Maggi Vanos-Wilson, who basically took care of
all the details in the Oasis over the course of the weekend.
Thanks to Mike Causa and
John Miller who "pinch
hit" for Steve (who as you probably know was
down-for-the-count on Friday). They ran all sorts of
errands and did pretty much anything we needed them to do.
Thanks to Steve's dad Jim Milz,
his uncle Frank Krieg
and brother-in-law David Hoover
who transported tons of stuff from our house to the Oasis on
Friday. |
A special thanks goes out to all of our service providers.
We thank them for all of their hard work and professionalism
which helped to make our day very special and something we
will remember forever. Joe
Guidry, Pam Chandler
and the staff of the Ramada Plaza Beach Resort;
Ed and Donna Morgan of
Grand Photography in Milton FL,
Craig's Video of Niceville FL,
Donna at Bridal's by
Yours Truly, our florist
Nikole Hassett, our DJ
Bay Cakes and Catering
of Lillian AL. More special thanks go out to Peggy's
mom Joan for everything
she did for our reception, including putting together the
centerpieces, addressing the invitations, making our card
box, and writing all the place cards. There are a
million other small things Joan did for us that we don't
have room to mention. We'll never be able to thank her
enough for all she did! |
Heartfelt thanks you's go out
to everyone who planned our "pre-wedding festivities"...
Peggy's aunt Sally Gedosch
and sister-in-law Connie Bowling
for the wonderful shower they hosted in Foley, Alabama;
Peggy's matron of honor Vicki
Robison and maid of honor
Kris Finitzer for hosting a bachelorette
weekend in Houston and Galveston; Peggy's brother
Seth Bowling for
arranging a "guy's night out" bachelor party for Steve
(even though he nearly killed himself); Steve's dad
Jim Milz and his friend
from Pennsylvania Ray Mazur
for getting poor Steve back home safe (and somewhat sound)
after the bachelor party; and finally to
Peggy's mom Joan for
hosting a bridal luncheon the day of the rehearsal. |
Last but certainly not least, a heartfelt "thank you" to
all of our friends and family
who were able to join us on our special day. Our
wedding certainly would not have been as special without you
all in attendance. |