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Steve's Family

Steve's Mom and Dad
Jim currently lives in Ashley, PA (the same house where Steve grew up).

Steve's mom Mary Ann passed away in December 2007.
Steve's Sister
Janet and her husband David... they moved to Allen, Texas (close to Dallas) in June 2008 and have two daughters (Rachel and Sarah)
Our Nieces
Sarah and Rachel...  Rachel was born in 2000 and Sarah was born in 2006.  Rachel's birthday is the same date as our wedding -- March 11th!  Rachel was a flower girl in our wedding.  Steve is the godfather to both Rachel and Sarah and Peggy is Sarah's godmother.
Steve's Grandmother
Catherine... 104  years young, she lives in Wilkes-Barre, PA.
Steve's Uncle
Frank... he lives just south of the rest of the family in Glen Lyon.  Frank is Steve's godfather and is an avid Harley rider!
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