January. Lots of prep work
preparing for Baby Girl Milz's arrival. Steve went
TDY to DC for a couple of days. Despite being very
pregnant, Peggy managed to have some fun going out to
dinner and a movie with her friend Brandi and to a
girls-night-out at the Melting Pot. |
February. The month started out
with Steve on the road again, this time to Fort Worth to
visit Lockheed-Martin. He enjoy's going to LM
these days because he can go visit his sister and her
family in Allen! Right after Steve returned we had
BGM's nursery furniture delivered -- sort of.
There was some damage, so a few of the pieces had to be
returned. Not good. The rest of the month
brought more BGM preparations, although Jacob has a play
date with his friend Adeline at the Niceville Children's
Park. At the end of February, some of Peggy's
co-workers at L-3 CA threw her a baby shower. |
March. Let the chaos begin.
Steve's dad flew into town on the 5th in anticipation of
BGM's arrival the next day. The plan was for him
to watch Jake while Peggy's folks came to the hospital
to follow BGM from the OR to the nursery. Well,
that didn't work out too well. Jake got sick the
night before BGM was born, so Gramma Joan stayed with
him (much more experienced with a puking kid than Pop)
and Grandpa and Pop came to the hospital. BGM was
born on March 6th at 12:30pm weighing in at a whopping 9
pounds, 6 ounces and measuring 21 inches long.
Believe it or not, while we had a front-runner for a
name, we had to have the Birth Certificate Clerk return
on Sunday the 8th before our discharge to officially
name her Julia Claire Milz. Pop departed for PA on
the 9th, Grandpa headed back to Gulf Shores, and then it
was just the Milz Family Four and Gramma, who stayed
with us to help out (much needed and appreciated!).
Just a short few weeks later, Peggy's friend Mindy, her
husband Mike, and their four boys came to visit from
Chicago for Spring Break. They stayed in a condo
in Destin and we spent quite a bit of time with them
during that week. |
April. The day the Causa clan
left to return to Chicago, the Pennsylvania contingent
(Pop, Mimi and Uncle Frank) and the Texas contingent
(Janet, David, Rachel and Sarah) came for what we call
"party weekend". We held Jake's 2nd birthday on
Saturday the 4th with 40+ people in attendance.
The next day (Jake's actually birthday) was Julia's
baptism at Trinity UMC. Afterwards we held another
party, this time with about 20 or so people.
Fortunately the whole weekend went very well and the
weather cooperated nicely, especially since Jake's party
involved swimming. The PA and TX visitors headed
home on the 6th and we started to recover. Jake
took swimming lessons at the Niceville YMCA again this
year -- those started mid-April. His friend
Adeline was in the class with him again this year. |
May. May wasn't an overly
jam-packed month thank heavens. We continued with
Jake's swimming lessons through the end of the month.
We were supposed to go to Plant City for our goddaughter
Kate's first communion, but that trip just didn't work
out. Julia's godparents -- Bridget and John Miller
-- along with their at-the-time foster son Benjamin came
to visit us at the end of the month for a long weekend. |
June. Things started to get
hectic again in June. By now Peggy was back to
work and Julia was in the excellent care of Ms. Brenda
during the day (along with Jake of course). Peggy
volunteered to teach Vacation Bible School at church
again this year, so that took a lot of time and effort
for the better part of a week. When VBS ended,
Steve's friend Dave (from HS and college), his wife
Julie, and their kids Evan and Emma came to visit for a
long weekend after being in Panama City for a
conference. We had Julia's three-month photos
mid-month. At the end of the month, Steve went TDY
again, this time to California. When Steve
returned, Liz and Kate came up from Plant City to visit
for the Fourth of July weekend. |