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Steve and Peggy Milz -- March 11th, 2006

Welcome to our wedding webpage!

What an event!  We hope everyone who was able to join us for our special day had as wonderful a time as we did.  Everything sure did seem to fly by, but it was great to see old friends and family and to meet people that we hadn't met before.  Many thanks to everyone who helped us prepare for our wedding as well as everyone who pitched in during the event itself.

We have so many photos from our wedding that it would be impossible to post them all on-line.  We'd fill up our entire web server!  However, we've created Adobe PDF files with thumbnails of all the photos.  You can find these PDF files on each of the event pages as well as a consolidated list on the Photos page.  There are instructions on the photos page explaining how you can obtain prints of any photo.

You are visitor since November 2006
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